Aging Sciences: 2007- present
Vince Giuliano is currently
an independent longevity researcher-writer and consultant. He is a follower, connoisseur, and interpreter
of current longevity-related research and has developed an in-depth and dynamic
grasp of the advanced areas of science involved - including cell and
molecular biology, genomics, epigenomics, stem cells, metabolemics,
nutritional science and age-related diseases. In 2008 he created a comprehensive
online treatise ANTI-AGING FIREWALLS
- THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF LONGEVITY. This treatise has the scope and length of a
major book but instead is published online. There, it is updated every few
weeks to keep it up with the fast pace of research developments.
He is the originator of and the major writeer for the popular aging
sciences blog www.agingsciences.com,
a worldwide
resource on the latest states of the sciences involved in aging. Started in early 2009, the blog now contains
over 400 substantive articles written by Vince and related to the sciences
of aging. An average of 3,200 people visit and read this blog daily
and it has an estimated following of over 25,000 people worldwide.
Dr Giuliano has appeared in the recent film To Age or Not to Age
and is involved in additional aging-related film and video projects. He engages
in consulting projects related to products and services that enable long,
healthy and productive lives. And he speaks at scientific conferences as an
invited lecturer.
Electronic Publishing Group: 1994 - 2007
Giuliano has been a Principal in the Electronic Publishing Group, a
Times Mirror, Co.: Senior VP and Chief
Scientist of Mirror Systems: 1983 –1993
from start-up in October 1983 to build a company to 85 employees with
approximately $6 million budget in 1990.
Mirror Systems served as the software technology R&D arm for Times
Mirror, a $3.5 billion conglomerate of publishing companies. It also provided consultative services to
Times Mirror companies related to their information technology strategies. Mirror Systems produced electronic publishing
software systems and optical-media based training systems. Responsibilities at various times included
all aspects of company operations.
Arthur D. Little, Inc. Senior Professional Staff (1971-1983); In Charge of the Organizational Communications Technology
Group (1979-1983)
for major consulting projects related to organizational development, publishing
and information management. Clients of projects supervised by Vince included
major international publishing houses, large banks, public utility companies,
trade associations, the UN, computer manufacturers, online service companies,
professional associations, US, Egyptian, Dutch, Iranian, Italian government and
international agencies, and major businesses and trade associations in
for getting the school up and running, in stable operation, and viable in the
university community. Responsibilities
included defining programs and curricula, hiring staff, budget justification,
recruiting students, academic leadership, and obtaining full accreditation. The
Institute for Information Research provided technical information services to
over a hundred industrial subscribers in
Doctorate in applied physics from
over 350 substantive blog entries relating to the life sciences, Vince has
produced over 300 printed articles and books, and media presentations including
two published DVDs. He has published aticles in popular publications like
TIME Magazine, Forbes, and Scientific American. He has hosted a series of online forums for
the New York Times Online. And he
has been a frequent presenter at
international conferences.
has also pursued electronic art, screenwriting, electronic music and video
the years Vince played key roles in the computer revolution and in the
commercialization of Internet. Has been
listed in several biographies, including American Men of Science, Who's Who in
websites include:
http://www.agingsciences.com/ (longevity blog)
www.vincegiuliano.name/Antiagingfirewalls.htm (longevity science treatise)
www.vincegiuliano.com (personal writings
www.giulianoart.com (art galleries
created by Vince)
http://www.epublishinggroup.com (Electronic
Publishing Group web)